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Red Chili

$0.00 AUD

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Red chili is popular for its ability to improve the taste of any meal with its hot flavor. However, red chili is more than just a little bit of heat. It is mainly used as a spice and this can be cooked or powdered and dried.

The most valuable characteristic of red chili is the compound capsaicin. Capsaicin is the primary compound in red chili that gives the chili its distinct taste and a number of health benefits.

Red chili not only adds a spicy taste and color to the dish but also has impeccable health benefits. And, owing to its versatility, even chefs are experimenting with different foods for a spicy punch.

Brimming with reported health benefits, chili is becoming a pantry mainstay thanks to unmistakable flavour and reported benefits that may help to prevent some of the most common lifestyle diseases.

Boasting high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants, chili has been found to help prevent lifestyle diseases including some cancers and stomach ulcers. Meanwhile, its ability to create heat within the body has also linked the peppers to weight loss as well as lowering the risk of type II diabetes.

Red chili, which is typically high in beta-carotene and pro-vitamin A, are said to boost immunity and promote healthy mucus membranes, which may ease congestion of the lungs, nasal passages, urinary and intestinal tracts.

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