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Goat Breast

$90.00 AUD

Breast is a classic, overlooked secondary cut that is delicious grilled over charcoal so the fat and connective tissue melt and soften and flavour the meat.

Goat Breast offers plenty of tender meat, with a generous amount of fat – this is what makes them so tasty, as the fat renders down during cooking, leaving delicious moist meat behind.

Goat meat is a great source of nutrients, including protein, iron, vitamin B12, zinc, and potassium. It’s also low in total fat and saturated fat compared with other forms of red meat.

Apart from its unique taste, goat meat has numerous health benefits. It has low-fat content and is leaner than other meats available on the market. The popularity of this meat continues to grow owing to its irresistible taste.

Goat meat is a phenomenal source of protein, is easily digestible, and not adulterated with growth hormones.

Because goat meat is lower in fat content and has less marbling in its meat, it is very tender and can be prepped over low heat to preserve tenderness and juiciness.

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