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Crab Claw Meat

$20.00 AUD

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Picked from the swimming fins of the crab, Crab Claw Meat is a brown meat with a strong flavor profile. Crab Claw Meat is ideal for dishes with heavy sauces or in dips and soups, as the flavor of the crab still comes through.
Whilst Crab Claw Meat does carry a stronger taste, it is less costly than the white meat ranks. Due to its strong flavor, it makes a very good fusion in preparing sauces and soups.
Crab Claw Meat is a great source of protein that is very low in non-saturated fat. It supplies the body with amino acids. Vitamin B12 can also be found in crab claw meat, this vitamin is extremely important as it plays a significant role in allowing our bodies to produce red blood cells.
In conclusion, Crab Claw Meat is a very healthy option which provides lots of nutrients to our bodies which we can enjoy in various ways. Be sure to add a bit of crab claw meat to your diet and enjoy all the benefits and delicious flavors that accompany it.
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