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Japanese Oyster Meat L

$35.00 AUD

Oysters are unusual and delicious molluscs that offer the human body with a number of unique nutrients and minerals, which subsequently result in some great health benefits. These include the ability of oysters to aid weight loss attempts, boost metabolic activity, increase tissue repair and growth, lower your cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, improve your immune functions, aid in wound healing, and promote healthy growth.

Oysters offer a ton of health benefits, thanks to their huge stockpiles of essential vitamins, minerals and organic compounds. They’re an excellent source of protein, vitamin D, zinc, iron and copper, and also have high levels of vitamin C, phosphorus, niacin and riboflavin. But it doesn’t stop there. They’re also rich in beneficial antioxidants, healthy cholesterol and omega-3 fatty acids. With all these impressive nutrients contained in such small portions, oysters are a god among superfoods, seriously boosting your body’s health and overall functions.

Oysters are a delicacy enjoyed the world over, and are often referred to as “sea milk” due to their high nutritional values - proteins such glycogen and amino acids, and minerals such as calcium and zinc. Japanese Oyster Meat L has even been introduced around the world to help replace depleted local stocks.

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