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Semi-cooked Whelks Scotland

$110.00 AUD

The meat of a whelk is similar to abalone, slightly chewy with a sweet and briny flavor. When cooked correctly, the sweetness can be resembled to scallops. However, if overcooked, it can become extremely tough. It pairs well with butter and a splash of lemon for sharpness to help bring out its natural sweetness.

These edible sea snails add plenty of minerals to the diet. They are especially high in calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium. They are aslo a fantastic source of protein, vitamin E, iron, potassium, and vitamin B12.

Raw Whelks are a good source of essential amino acids. Some of the minerals found in whelks, such as zinc, iron, and copper help in the production of red and white blood cells. As an added advantage, whelks do not increase blood cholesterol levels due to their low-fat content.

Whelks are also an excellent source of essential fatty acids that prevents the chances of cancer, heart ailments if consumed in moderate amounts. It provides vitamins, proteins and minerals along with low amount of fat. Due to the low content of calories, it is effective for weight loss.

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