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Razor Clams

$65.00 AUD

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Razor Clams are characterized by an elongated, razor-shaped, brownish shell. A hinge attaches the two valves in the anterior end. The shell is slightly curved. They live in muddy or sandy sands in fairly shallow water. The size varies with age, reaching an average size of 12 cm when reaching the age of 4 years.

Razor Clams are high in protein and an excellent source of B vitamins, important for cellular energy production and healthy nervous system. They also contain high amounts of the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper, essential for the red blood cells as well as bone and muscle health and active metabolism. Razor Clams meat can also provide a good amount of selenium which is a key antioxidant.

The meat of Razor Clams is chewy at the wider part, while the narrower top of the flesh is lighter and more delicate. Whether steamed, fried, or grilled, Razor Clams are delicious and very nutritious seafood.

Razor Clams are usually prepared simply, steamed, grilled or seared. They are best paired with lighter sauces so their subtle sweet taste is not overpowered. The classic method for cooking Razor Clams is by steaming them as it brings out their sweet, delicate meat. On the grill is another perfect option. Don't overcook them as the texture becomes rubbery.

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