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Seedless Durian Meat

$120.00 AUD

Although the durian fruit possesses a rather unpleasant smell (for those who can't stand it), its interior pulp tastes delicious, filled with succulent liquids and sweet extracts.

This large fruit has a hard outer shell, with spiky outer parts either light green or brownish in colour. The fruit generally weighs 1-3 kilograms, with a soft inner pulp that tastes rich, delicious and intensely sweet, in addition to comprising vast nutritional elements.

Durian fruit supplies a plethora of health benefits that remarkably improve physical fitness, mental wellness, as well as skin texture and hair growth. It is indeed a nutrient-dense tropical fruit with incredible therapeutic uses.

Seedless Durian Meat is an excellent source of various nutrients important in the human diet. It is rich in vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, a natural antioxidant and health benefiting B-complex vitamins like folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B6. It also contains a good amount of minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus.

Durian fruit is a natural multivitamin and a multi-mineral supplement. It is also a rich source of dietary fat and dietary fiber. Just bear with the foul odour of durian and then enjoy the luscious pulpy fruit just as is or incorporate it into some delectable desserts.

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