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Soft Shell Crabs

$35.00 AUD

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If you love crabs but are daunted by all that cracking and picking, consider this waste-free, less messy and delicious way to eat them. The key is getting the freshest, tenderest crabs you can find.
Delicious crabs are molting out of their old, hard shell and in a stage before their new shell has hardened. While they’re in this stage, they are one of the tastiest treats the east coast offers. If you’ve had the pleasure of eating one, you know that they hold all the flavor of your everyday crab without any of the hassle of prying meat from its sharp, thick shell - basically, it’s seafood in its most perfect state.
Soft Shell Crabs are not a separate species of crab. They’re regular crabs that have gotten too big for their shells. In order to keep on growing, they shed their shell and make new, bigger ones. In other words, they molt, and it is this molting process that makes soft-shell crabs such a treat.
A single soft hell crab provides several essential vitamins, including vitamins B6, B12, E and K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folate. Dietary minerals, including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc and potassium, are also available in the serving.
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