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Toothfish Cheeks

$90.00 AUD

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Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), also known as Chilean seabass, live in deep waters in the southern oceans near Antarctica.
The Antarctic Toothfish is a highly prized catch, found throughout large areas of sub-antarctic oceans. Mainly fished in Antarctica’s Ross Sea (directly south of New Zealand), Antarctic Toothfish roam the ocean from 300-3000 metres deep, and are caught predominately throughout the summer months. Greyish in colour with a broad head, they have an elongated body that grows up to 2 metres in length.
Toothfish Cheeks has pearly white flesh and broad scalloped flakes, it is high in fat and omega-3 content. The flesh is sweet and delectable and suited to both dry and moist preparations in a broad array of cuisines.
All antarctic toothfish fisheries are regulated by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and are MSC certified. Toothfish have long been studied for their ability to produce anti-freeze proteins that keep their blood from crystallising in the Southern Ocean, where water temperatures can dip below zero.
These fish are greyish in colour with a broad head, elongated body, long dorsal and large pectoral fins. High in fat and rich in omega-3 with white flesh and broad flakes, it is ideally suited to marinating and grilling.
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